3 Reasons to Choose Collaborative Divorce
With so many options for transitioning your relationship from “married” to “not,” it’s hard to know which path is best for you and your family. Here are three reasons why Collaborative Divorce may be a good choice for you
Collaborative Divorce seeks to minimize conflict and maximize the chance of coming up with the best possible solutions. You and your spouse will be part of a team that works together to brainstorm ideas and craft an agreement that works as well as possible for the entire family. This doesn’t mean that the process is easy: divorce is generally a challenging and difficult process no matter what. But, it does mean that you’ll be oriented towards and encouraged to pursue solutions instead of unproductive (and expensive!) battles.
In the Collaborative Divorce process, issues are resolved during private, confidential meetings instead of being litigated in a public courtroom. The final agreements you make will be filed with the Court and will be accessible to certain people within the Court system, but your negotiation and discussion will be completely private.
Collaborative Divorce seeks to empower you to make the best decisions for yourself and your family. Instead of handing over these major life choices to a stranger (like a Judge), the Collaborative Divorce Team works together to gather all the necessary information, brainstorm ideas, and empower you to make clear-headed, thoughtful choices for yourself.